View Profile GreenPhat

21 Game Reviews

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That was so good. It's to bad some people are too fuckin' stupid to realise how to play the game. Oh well, you know you deserved a better score. So, maybe you should have a graphic separating the main hero and the battlefield? And it may have also been a mistake giving it the 'Lord of the Rings' theme. Some people wouldn't appreciate the 'Battle of Gondor' thing right off the bat. Awesome finale as well. Nice work.

Good Game

It's funny how you're a retarded geek motha fucka but you can play as yourself and feel hardcore in this game you made. But yeah, the dude you fight with looks weak and a bit downy (I assume it's you). You should have put someone good on it so it would be enjoyable for everyone not just yourself tryna live some dream of fighting the big bullies that beat the shit out of you through life. 10/10.

gavD responds:

Downy?! But my mum says I'm handsome and cool and the other boys are just jealous! Heh heh.

Well, you're entitled to your opinion - the game isn't meant to be taken too seriously and I'm aware that I'm scarely Jean Claude Van Damme physically. It's just for a laugh man!

To-o Much!

It's far too good for Newgrounds! Go work for Square-Enix dude.

Dizimz responds:

some of my teachers told me to look into jobs like that , the problem with squareenix is you need to speak both japanese and english

Don't be a gay.

Make the second one quick.


That's so crazy. Fun too!

Funny, funny

Nice work man, scored high for everything from me! It deserved better than just 'Daily 4th Place' that's for sure.

That was lame

Why did you make this? How many animations about "The Basics Of Flash" do people need? I'm fuckin' sick of these!


I just saw 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre'. This is better.

"Jesus loves you. I think you're a cunt."

Age 37, Male



Joined on 6/19/03

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